Up to 50% Off All Bill Judge’s DOT 60/60 Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training

Coupon:Get the dealDeal ends on 1 Aug 2014

OSHACampus - Save Up to 50% Off All Bill Judge's DOT 60/60 Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training. More This new online course featuring Bill Judge, nationally known DOT Drug Law Expert, is designed to help you meet the DOT training requirements for supervisors of covered safety-sensitive employees as described in 49 CFR Part 40. The training materials address reasonable suspicion as a performance issue, and as something in reality they are already doing.What supervisors need to know is what to look for and what to do if someone seems unfit for duty. Using the Four Steps of Constructive Confrontation and Documentation developed by the U.S. Navy and in practice nationally over the last fourteen years, supervisors can now take action knowing they are protecting everyone. Supervisors will know not only how and when to do reasonable suspicion/cause testing but why they need to do it.

25% Off Surface Miner Training!

Coupon:Get the dealDeal ends on 30 Jun 2014

OSHACampus - Save 25% Off Surface Miner Training. More OSHAcampus.com has online training packages and individual courses that comply with MSHA requirements for training and retraining miners, specifically Title 30 CFR – Part 46 (regulations for surface miners and surface mining contractors). These training courses, developed by Convergence Training, won a MSHA award for software at the TRAM (Training Resources Applied to Mining) Conference.

Save 20$ Off on Hazwoper Training!

Coupon:Get the dealDeal ends on 31 Dec 2014

This OSHAcampus.com course is for general site workers who remove hazardous waste or who may be exposed to hazardous substances. It meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for eight hours of annual refresher training for workers at sites with hazardous waste. This valuable safety training covers these objectives: Learn OSHA regulations and requirements. Understand Site Characterization. Identify the principles of toxicology and how they impact the various types of chemical exposures. And you can Save $20 Off on Hazwoper Training (8-hour, 24-hour and 40-hour).

LearnInsurance – Save on the All Lines Prelicensing Adjuster’s Course

Coupon:Get the dealDeal ends on 1 Aug 2014

This comprehensive course will prepare you for the final exam that will certify you as a knowledgeable, professional insurance adjuster, not only in Texas, but in the multiple states that offer reciprocity, as long as you also satisfy any unique state-based requirements. Earning the Texas Insurance Adjuster license requires attentive study, but this course will walk you through each step with clear explanations and application questions to evaluate and apply your growing knowledge. LearnInsurance - Save on the All Lines Prelicensing Adjuster's Course Now $199.95, Usually $279.00.

Save on the Ultimate Success Licensing Package!

Coupon:Get the dealDeal ends on 1 Aug 2014

Texas Ultimate Success Licensing Package: All Lines Adjuster With Live Instructor Support. This comprehensive course will prepare you for the final exam that will certify you as a knowledgeable, professional insurance adjuster, not only in Texas, but in the multiple states that offer reciprocity, as long as you also satisfy any unique state-based requirements. Earning the Texas Insurance Adjuster license requires attentive study, but this course will walk you through each step with clear explanations and application questions to evaluate and apply your growing knowledge. And Save on the Ultimate Success Licensing Package: All Lines Adjuster With Live Instructor Support.

Meditec – 15% Off Insurance Career Training Programs

Coupon:BUSINESSDeal ends on 31 Dec 2014

Take 15% Off Insurance Career Training Programs with coupon code: BUSINESS at Meditec.com. More Meditec offers insurance adjuster training for those interested in helping people rebuild their lives. Insurance professionals guide consumers through insurance process, as well as evaluate claims. Since each case must be assessed and no one can be in two places at once, claims processing is often delayed by a lack of licensed adjusters.


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